

Guided tours Cracow with Christian Vogt




Polish legendary figures

Sucha Beskidzka - Old wooden Tavern

In the Polish village of Sucha Beskidzka there is an old wooden tavern linked to Poland's most famous legendary figure - the Magician Twardowski. By profession Twardowski was doctor and as a nobleman he liked helping people. But he had one problem: The Magician thought to be cleverer than even the devil. So one day he made a pact with him: Satan should serve Twardowski as long as the devil would not meet him in Rome. If this happened, the devil would claim Twardowski's soul.

"This is a bee, my beautiful young lady!"

From this time Twardowski used his power over the devil. For example once he fell in love with a beautiful young lady. She had an animal in a bottle and wanted to marry only the person who could guess its name. Twardowski got the answer from the devil and said: "It is a bee, my beautiful young lady!" And the wedding took place the next day. An so on. But with the time the devil began to regret his pact being tired of serving Twardowski. For the Magician didn't seem to betake himself to Rome, the devil tried it with a cunning.

Devil's Cunning - Little spots on the Moon

Disguised as a servant he went with Twardowski to a ill person in a nearby village where an old wodden tavern stood. After having entered it, the servant changed into the devil again and asked the soul of Twardowski to bring it into the hell. However, the latter immediately refused, for demonstrably he had not gone to Rome in any case. Now the devil toke Twardowski with him into the air and the magician saw with great consternation that the tavern's name was "Rome". The anxious doctor began to sing hymns in the air and finally the devil got rid of Twardowski by simply throwing him on the moon. And he shall be there up to now. If the full moon shines, one sees dark little spots on the moon. That's just the magician Twardowski silently walking around.
